Work with us

We are a young company with the desire to improve and constantly looking for new challenges.
This is why we are looking for partners who allow us to spread our mission.


We are currently looking for distributors for the following areas:

  • Europa;
  • India;
  • America del nord;
  • America del sud;
  • Cina.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our distributors

Rikic Miroslav

Company: Ferstil doo Mednarodni prehod 1 5290, Vrtojba, Slovenia
Distributor for: Slovenia, Croazia, Serbia, Bosnia e Erzegovina, Macedonia e Montenegro.


Rr. Dervish Hekali, Nd.8, 1017, Tirane, Albany
Distributore esclusivo su Albania

MEQ Healthcare

Selemed Healthcare SRL